Drenched in Tofino

Our annual September pilgrimage to Tofino for waves and relaxation is always going to be hit or miss weather. In September, this far northwest town facing the pacific ocean is on the cusp, constantly teetering between two seasonal realities. On this occasion the two extremes felt…well…more extreme. Our front row seats allowed us to witness this clash close up. The spit and sweat from the actors came down in a torrential flurry. Nothing was safe and nothing was dry. On the flip side the sun would emerge casting hope and joy. Wet items quickly made their way out to evaporate the saturated dampness but it was never enough time before the world would flip once again. We returned home with our tails tucked. I only barely writing this blog months later with the hope that time healed and the darker memories dried up. On reflection the trip wasn’t half bad.
The first 3 days was wet and the waves were big. Experienced short boarders could be seen sprinting towards the water like gleeful seniors on the last day of school. We watched in apprehension and doubt, our boards not right for these waves, nor our skills. We regretfully went out and tried to make the best of the situation lead valiantly by an instructor we had hired. Two hours and a few big sets later we exited a bit bruised and a few new useful tips in our back pockets. The main lesson, which we determined on our own, was that from now on we’d be more selective about our wave days. It’s hard arriving at a place and being patience for why you are there. But several drenched days later we were treated to a couple of dreamy longboard days with the sun shining. Patience.
The rest of the time was nothing more than seeking food between waves or rain and huddled deep in our van cave. The walls do begin to close in the longer you remain. We made the best of it with books, music and catching up on work (when the wifi allowed). One particular night we started in on Pink Floyd’s the wall and listened to the album in its entirety…something I had not done since high school.
Taking advantage of front row seats and a break from the rain It’s a small kitchen when raining The awning helped but it was windy as well View from the beach No shots of me surfing, but this was the longboard day