Palm Springs
Leaving Portland Oregon in May is necessary. Leaving Portland anytime between January and May is a good thing but May is the final, most critical time. Not having left any month since January means you are now five months into nothing but dark grey drizzly days. You mind is starting to forget the feeling of warmth and each morning you struggle to leave the comfort of think blankets and soft pillows. The sound of rain is a glorious thing when you are inside and cozy but life presses on and so you muster the energy to venture forth into the soggy streets. Palm Springs is an odd place for sure and not a place I’d want to live. But to visit was a reprieve much needed.Mostly we sat by the pool of a rented apartment. We took hikes and wandered odd gardens to cacti and other desert plants. I took mostly photos of plants and not many of us. We were boring, the plants were far more interesting. The key was sunlight, lots of it.